Why do we see lightning before hearing thunder?

فوري28 أكتوبر 2022
Why do we see lightning before hearing thunder?


Thunder is defined as the high pressure and temperature within the clouds that carry electronic charges, When the opposite poles are discharged, the temperatures inside the cloud rise, As the pressure level increases in a sudden way, This results in a loud sound, which is called thunder. The sound of thunder is like the sound of the Big Bang. It usually predicts rain. The loudness of the thunder also varies depending on the volume of the discharge that occurred and the distance between the person and the cloud in which the thunder occurred. The sound may be too loud and deafening. Or it could be a faint, muffled sound.


Lightning is defined as the light that appears suddenly in the sky during the days when the weather conditions are bad and ready for rain, Lightning is caused by the collision of two clouds, one of which carries a negative electric charge. The second carries a positive electrical charge. Where this collision between them causes a strong spark that appears in the form of light and is suddenly seen. Seeing lightning is associated with hearing the sound of thunder later. The occurrence of lightning and thunder is called a thunderbolt. There are also several types of lightning, including lightning that is beaded and striped and occurs intermittently and vacantly between the cloud and the ground. Or vice versa in the sense that it occurs from the ground to the cloud, Plus there’s thermal lightning, dry lightning, And missile lightning.

Why do you see lightning before hearing thunder?

The reason you see lightning before hearing thunder is because the speed of light is much faster than the speed of sound. That is why the light produced by the discharge of electric charges arrives faster than the sound produced by the discharge. Light reaches the earth at instantaneous speed. While the sound takes a few seconds to arrive, The speed of sound is estimated at approximately 343 meters per second in the air. Some scholars who explain seeing lightning before hearing the sound of thunder also explain the idea that a person sees things before he hears sounds.

Measures to protect against the dangers of lightning and thunder

When lightning strikes, which consist of lightning and thunder, you must go to a safe place such as buildings and cars, so as not to be struck by lightning, And making sure that the buildings are equipped with what is known as lightning rods that protect the building when it is struck by lightning and discharge the resulting charges. In addition to avoiding trees, or metal wire during a storm, Or getting wet and standing on rooftops and hills.