Information On Bedsore

فريق تحرير فوري15 نوفمبر 2022
Information On Bedsore


People who spend a long time in one position due to paralysis, illness, limp or old age develop bed sores and also known as pressure sores, which are caused by constant pressure and direct friction on certain parts of the body, Ulcers may form in any area of the body but great areas have the largest share of the injury s health “, it is worth knowing that early diagnosis and early treatment are very important for healing without some serious medical complications, Information on bed ulcers, including symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention of bed ulcers, will be addressed.

Symptoms of bed ulcers

Bed sores go through several different stages of symptoms based on the depth, severity, and other characteristics of the injury. The severity of damage to the skin and tissue ranges from unopened skin redness to a deeper injury involving muscles and bones. The most prominent symptoms of bed ulcers will be identified as follows:


  • Changes in the color and texture of the skin.
  • Swelling of the affected area.
  • The wounds become as if they were acting like pus from inside them.
  • Change in the temperature of the affected area when touched by the rest of the skin, such as becoming cooler or warmer.
  • An area where the bedsore is painful to touch.


Causes of bedsore

Bed ulcers arise as a result of skin pressure, which in turn reduces blood flow to the skin, with a combination of other factors related to limitations of movement that make the skin more vulnerable to damage and contribute to the development of bed sores, which are three main factors contributing to the formation of ulcers as follows:

Consistently and continuously pressing any part of the body may reduce the flow of blood to the tissue needed to deliver oxygen and nutrients to it and by losing it as a result of continuous pressure the tissue is damaged and damaged and may die by the end.

People who have lost movement as a result of an incurable disease such as paralysis and bedridden compression often occur in areas not stuffed with muscle or fat that lie on bones such as the spine, shoulder bones, heels, elbows, and hips.

When scrubbing fragile skin especially if it is wet with clothes or bedding to produce direct friction, it causes the formation of bed ulcers.

Treatment of bedsore

Methods and methods of treatment of bed sores vary depending on the severity of the sores, their place of occurrence, and the overall health status of the patient. Treatment may become more difficult in the case of a major skin wound. The most prominent methods and methods of treatment are as follows:


  • Relieve pressure from the affected area on which the bedsore was formed.
  • Avoid sleeping in the affected area.
  • Use soft pillows and medical airbrushes.
  • Avoid lying directly on the hip bone from sleeping on one side while placing a pillow between the feet to keep the knees and ankles away from each other and not squeeze each other.
  • Change the sleep position almost every 2 hours.
  • Preserve and protect ulcers by including them.
  • Keep your bedsore always organized.
  • Grafting the affected area by implanting her healthy skin.


The use of antibiotics to treat infections that may occur either through an ointment placed on the affected area or intravenously if the infections have reached the bone or deep inside the tissue.

Improving general health conditions that help accelerate the healing process such as improving nutrition.

To heal without any other problems, ulcers must be kept clean and free of any dead tissue by adhering to the following steps:

Clean ulcers by washing the affected area with a saltwater solution.

Bed sores must be bandaged and covered with wet gauze and reviewed and replaced at least once a day.

The collection of dead tissue within the ulcers in the form of a crust may hinder the healing process and infect bed ulcers. The dead tissue is disposed of by rinsing the ulcers every time the bandage changes. A special type of bandage may be used that helps the body dissolve the dead tissue.

It is possible to place wet gauze bandages on the ulcer and allow it to dry to stick to the dead tissue and be removed when the gauze is withdrawn.

Painkillers are taken half an hour or an hour before starting to change bandages because of the great pain they cause to the infected person.

Prevention of bed ulcers

Bed ulcers are not necessarily deemed to be due to neglect and poor medical care in all cases, they may form despite the patient receiving excellent medical care either at the hospital or at home, but there are some steps to be taken to avoid bed ulcers as follows:

Flip the person exposed to bed ulcers every two hours and change their position frequently and relieve pressure on the areas at risk.

Use air mattresses that reduce the likelihood of pressure ulcers forming and relieve pressure from the back and use pillows to lift certain areas of the body such as arms, legs, buttocks, and hips.

Keep the bed clean and free of crumbs and other particles that can rub and irritate the skin, reduce friction as much as possible between the patient and the bed sheets and avoid pulling it out.

Avoid rubbing the patient’s skin when bathing.

Frequently examined and observed any changes in the patient’s skin such as redness.

Avoid the use of disinfectants and detergents containing irritant chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine povidone solution.

Attention to the integrated diet which contains enough calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Being a bedridden patient does not prevent doing some simple therapeutic exercise that helps increase blood flow to speed up the healing process.

Keep skin clean and dry using regular water and if necessary use gentle natural soap free from any chemicals.