Ali Bani al-Fayyad on the day of his birthday – the poet al-Buhtari

Ali Bani al-Fayyad on the day of his birth
brother of the rain in his abundance and celebration
So, we praised Him, but
shows the singing of the sword when it is drawn
And the dangers of some people were reduced by it.
Some of them said that his condition had improved.
Glorious about the needs, they will escape towards him
and they hang a rope reaping from his ropes
is not subject to need
So he did not despise her out of His majesty.
when I promise myself a desire for it
I am safe from lesion and disease
And when I sought him, he came next.
to borrow from one who had previously gifted his money
I am not worthy of the benefit you desire.
by the words of a person who did not benefit from his action