This beloved went into desertion – the poet Al-Buhtari

This lover plunged into his desertion,
tomorrow, And quarrels are the greatest
who made navigation in Kh
his daddy, with magic in his eyelids
I do not obey the whistleblower, and lo
ensconced in his shadow, in his aggression
O my friend! early in the morning,
And give me water of what you mix
He called the blame in the injury, because I
I don’t see in peace what you see
The guardian has gone too far in his slander
Al-Wasmi came to us during his time
And I see the two benches between them
Full of Rawd Kalushi in its colors
in a variety of good uncleanliness
saffron and saffron
That is a blessed palace that shortens the ages
He is below the fine of his build
In it the imam received the grace of God
huh, And the virtue of giving is from his kindness
We ask God to complete us
His good days and his good time
O cousin of the Prophet, the trap wearer
See from his light and his proof
the joy of the caliphate weakened, uart
Turn the youth of the world into their vigor
And the servants saw you from the blessings of God
is upon them, and its length and gratitude
God knows how you are, he gave
You are the lofty place of His dominion
Put religion in your guaranty
hey, Live safely for us in its guarantee