Take me back from me Haba Khalif – Poet Al-Buhtari

I have returned from me the love of successors,
I took over the praise for them alone
And only what I said about them became famous.
And if they add to the river for a day and add to the river
If the eagle takes a shriek,
The circle of response revolved over the sectors
The emphasizing of the records did not suffice, and who
succumbed to it, and who contracted
They rhymed the steps that passed
I have not earned you the praise and the glory
and a young man shrieked, we may have ruined it
You have hail as a boy with hail
What am I and the installment, as you write me,
and written before me the greatness of the people, or after me
My way is to give what you ask of me
I have the right to be earnest, I do not find
I am tired of men asking for money with them,
How can money be required of me?