Where did the tsunami occur?

فوري28 أكتوبر 2022آخر تحديث :
Where did the tsunami occur?


A tsunami is a group of strong waves that are created by the movement of a large area of water, such as ocean water. It may also be caused by earthquakes and volcanoes. eruptions under the surface of the water or in the ground, landslides, collisions of comets and meteorites with each other, explosions of nuclear weapons in the seas, As the previous natural phenomena produce a huge amount of water and moving energy, So the devastating effects of a tsunami are formed, The tsunami is referred to in ancient geographical and geological texts as marine seismic waves. And air storms with high degrees lead to tornadoes, hurricanes and strong storms that rise several meters from their normal position.

The cause of the tsunami

The main cause of a tsunami is a drop in atmospheric pressure. When strong storms approach the shores of a certain area, large areas of land will be submerged due to the movement of sea or ocean waters. The Greek scientist, Tosydides, is the first scientist to link underwater earthquakes and the movement of water and its rage with tsunamis. However, the concept of a tsunami remained limited until the twentieth century, when modern studies and research began to explain it as one of the most important natural phenomena that attack humans and cause harm and danger.

tsunami in history

Historically, tsunami is not a rare phenomenon, but rather a well-known phenomenon that has existed since ancient times. It occurred during the last century and the beginning of this century (tsunami), which posed a threat to about 17% of Japanese beaches, Among these dangers, 25 tsunamis occurred in the last century that struck Asia, the Pacific and Japan.

Where did the tsunami occur?

بدأ العالم اليوناني توسيدايديس بالبحث عن ظاهرة تسونامي وأسبابها في كتابه تاريخ الحرب البيلوبونيسية، مما يدل على وجود تسونامي منذ ذلك الوقت، ثمَّ وصف المؤرخ الروماني أميانوس مارسيلينس أسباب التسونامي كالزلازل والتراجع المفاجئ للبحار، ثمَّ ظهور موجة عملاقة كما حدث عام 365 م في تسونامي الإسكندرية، لذلك إليكم الجدول الآتي الذي يبين أهم وأشهر تسونامي وأماكن حدوثها عبر التاريخ:

The date of the tsunami The location of the tsunami
1883 AD The island of Krakatoa, Japan, experienced a tsunami and its waves extended to Australia
1 April 1952 AD Kamchaka, Russia, experienced a tsunami that killed about 5,000 people
May 22, 1960 AD A tsunami occurred in the shores of Chile, Its waves traveled thousands of kilometers to hit the coast of Hawaii. And reach the islands of the Philippines
September 2, 1992 The tsunami occurred in Nicaragua. Its waves reached a height of about 10 m
December 26, 2004 The tsunami occurred along the coasts of land bordering the Indian Ocean, and nearly 230,000 people died
11 March 2011 An earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale occurred in Japan. This led to explosions at the Fukushima nuclear plant. Then a tsunami occurred and the number of victims reached about 10,000 people. 16,000 people lost

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