The magma pushes upward between two earth plates and the plates slide

The magma rushes upward between two ground plates, and the two plates slide. Earthquakes are natural phenomena that occur in the natural environment. Determining the intensity of the earthquake depends on the classification of the effects of the earthquake on the surface of the earth through a number of general foundations. The MSK scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake. With a score from 1 to 12, It expresses the extent of the earthquake in terms of destruction magma rushes upward between two plates, The two plates slide apart, to form mountains.

Magma rushes upward between two plates, The two plates slide apart, to form mountains

It is worth noting that the intensity in a particular location does not depend only on the strength of the earthquake, but also on some general characteristics that make up the parts of this earthquake. It also depends on how deep you are, The distance from the site to the epicenter, the nature of the surface and the factors affecting it

Magma rushes upward between two plates, The two plates slide apart, to form mountains

the answer: correct phrase