Why did God create people with different abilities and inclinations?

فوري4 أكتوبر 2022
Why did God create people with different abilities and inclinations?

Why did God create people with different abilities and inclinations? God Almighty has created all living creatures on the globe, and it is known that He honored man above all living creatures in the environment in many different matters. Man can differentiate between right and wrong, not as is the case with an animal that cannot, We will answer your previous question in the following lines.

Why did God create people with different abilities and inclinations?

In the previous lines, we talked about the issue of God Almighty’s creation of living creatures in general and the issue of distinguishing man from other living creatures. And that God Almighty created living creatures for a purpose and did not create them in vain. As he said in his book the Noble Qur’an (And I did not create mankind and the jinn except that they should worship Me) God Almighty has spoken the truth. It is well known that God Almighty also distinguished man and people from one another. We will answer your question, why did God create human beings with different abilities and inclinations?

The answer is:

God created humans with different inclinations and abilities to cooperate and complement each other, so what is not in one person is in the other, and in order for there to be disparity between human beings, life would not be upright if they were all strong and vice versa. .