The record is not praised until the slander rules – Al-Buhturi poet

كيرلس صبرى15 سبتمبر 2022
The record is not praised until the slander rules – Al-Buhturi poet

The record will not be praised until the slander is ruled
And the blessings are not returned without the hyphenation
And in the essences like problems
And do not suspect the lights and the darkness
we are in a helpful situation
Each one of his flock is determined by the covenant.
like the five days of the sweltering month
sensual, And the shade of peace extended upon him
I distracted you from a need that you neglected
state, and self-accused
when did you get up in a lump
As the fire of the hearth kindled the flag,
you found yourself in a lush green
and you spoiled your brothers blessings

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