The blame is from you and if you advise Gram – the poet Al-Buhtari

كيرلس صبرى15 سبتمبر 2022
The blame is from you and if you advise Gram – the poet Al-Buhtari

The blame is on you, even if you advise love
Because he had a chance of coercion
Boyhood love – there is no love but it is no
It remains for its duration – and you are obligated
young age, And he did not fall short
Myself , And the trunk said, Are you a boy?
These are the guarantors of time, and did not embrace
my longing, Is your heart longing to be reconciled?
oh tear, Stop your running in boyhood
but for that, What do you blame?
If it is lawful for whom I have created it
as he sees, Patience is forbidden
By God, longing activates, his age,
In the body what diseases do not do
The Beloved is gone, and the night was not
For his short stay after departure
Where did you notice its tip?
the heart yearns for it, and it is arrows
And her hadith is like rain, slandered his woe,
in a severe accident, overcast
If I die of regret for the loss of its sanctuary
Death is a soul, and life is a bath.
Oath of sorrow to me and forgiveness for Ahmad
two sections from which the pens have dried
In honor of Bani Adnan
servants to you in your praise
He who shortened my wish came before him
from him, and he was exhausted by execution
The sins of the past have been forgiven
Now that the days have repented,
His forefathers established the caliphate with Hajj
because no people like them touched it
He asked about the land of Iraq, how much is it for him?
Indeed, by his remembrance of Islam
she missed the light of his light
darkens the darkness of the night
the narrators ruled by himself and his grandfathers
There is no such thing as what is in the people, Issam prevailed
The Levant rises three times in its land
his preference, found him, and the ostriches
And three things will cover you when you visit him.
invoke it, and the wilderness, And the honor
and three have neglected his manners
from the bad, and falsehood, and sins
and three of his deceitful deeds
manage it, and veto, and the conclusion
and pride, he is two, score one
his uncles, and the other uncles
And God made him single with glory, mention him
Never renew it for him years
wakes him and the night makes him slack
left eyes that have no sleep
his craftsmanship: from it bringer
Thanks , And from it to the envious bridle
Ibn Ibrahim sacrificed Badr to al-Ula
and the full moon is short, And that’s all
Understand, Aba Al-Abbas, incomprehensible,
A proverb whose foundation is firmness
What if I meant to you until he said to me
Visit me with your praise, your smiling face
and I heard you say yes to you quickly
And the branches of the root of yes are the inaam
So I composed in you wonderful poetry, and it was too late to
rise to his illusions

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