If I was happy, I would be happy to give it to you – the poet Al-Buhtari

كيرلس صبرى15 سبتمبر 2022
If I was happy, I would be happy to give it to you – the poet Al-Buhtari

If you were happy, I would be glad to receive it
or make it easier for her
to heal the bowels of the ailment
Indeed, the temptation is the day when the loathing has fallen
she gave us the utterances
how slow the morning is
repel or increase in length
thirsty and barren eagles,
The irrigation of a good deed
Symptoms that clear the darkness of the night
if we shine the light of its polished
And from saturated cheeks he dyed them
In her victory and kissing her
What is the excuse for your eyes when they are deceived?
About the slender stature
but the phantoms did not stop you
It spreads to us its untruths
and we have not returned to any vain
Unliterate and mislead
Do not trouble the world, for it befalls
Follow her preferred
I hardly knew that it was not
Its sayings have an effect
Bani al-Fayyad toiled in gathering them
to their lords and idolize them
they passed between them
And they transcribed it all
they fold over their folds
of the earth’s league and its inclination
So they seemed to be in the pits of the canal
I thought the lion of the jungle in its hay
some of them are still climbing
with the egg sheath and its lining
Sawarm from the limit of her legacy
Iyad managed their minds
Thank me without people over me
The oddities of blindness and its authorization
We seek refuge from the slaying of his spoils
What does Egypt expect from it?
I don’t have anything but gear
Yad Ibn Fayyad and its Tamil
If the favor diminishes its delay
It increased its usefulness by accelerating it