Dana Al-Swarb, but desertion separates him – the poet Al-Buhtari

كيرلس صبرى15 سبتمبر 2022
Dana Al-Swarb, but desertion separates him – the poet Al-Buhtari


the swarm approached, but desertion keeps him away,
And his people made it clear to us, and its peculiarities
they started a strange thing, and then brought him back,
they are his valleys, and they are his returns
We descend from the breadth of every house,
erected in it, and bred him
Do you not see the fourth
And it went back to the old covenant
Like the palace of Humaid after his beauty had fallen,
and strengthened his moans, and find his pioneer
avoided by Seb Al-Samiti Muhammad,
So his days and his sights returned to him.
the scattered people have gathered, and repaired
aspects of an order, After the three spoiled
unfolded, He removed the darkness of injustice from them,
And its justice and its tributaries shone among them.
And he still loves the truth until I enlighten it
and killed the wrong, so it turned back
mediate matters himself,
And the farthest parts of it reached his covenant
if you deny him anyway, after softer,
echoing in you, they witnessed it
And if you detract from him the right of what was enjoined upon him
God’s will, God is his guide
Khalil Huda, the voluntary guidance of his judge;
Nada’s ally took hands on his dates
And the sermons did not become severe except that he spoke to him
Abu Nahshal, until his hardships soften
So tell a little about chivalry and Hajj;
abound in people, If say envious
beware, the prostitute is going through a semen,
reprehensible sources, and his praises
Behind you from the sea a wave will cover you,
And from a mountain whose stalks will rise above you
thy great desire, and begging
a raging principal
And seven without that black one
Pebbles and black convalescence
And Mansour’s determination takes its toll,
His management is very successful and his leader.
If he throws the opinion behind his father,
From the matter one day his traps realized it
He has a thought among the unseen, if it’s over
to a locked one, here are his reins
thunderbolts opinions if they break some of them
on withers, to break or melt its solid
A living cloud whose lightnings rest,
And the occasion of death whose stalks do not fail
and Amr bin Maadi, If you go irritate him,
and Aws bin Sada, If you go deceive him
Gifts and wishes remain our readers.
to be pleasing, and slandered him
If his swords parted in the midst of a crowd,
his sire departed from him, and help him
So do not ask him about the plan of injustice, for it is
to a position, refusing the darkness
His silence, his sun, his praise,
and quadrilateral, spring soil, and immortal
and be blessed with a planting, These are his origins;
and exalt a house, These are his rules
He has heresies in generosity that call out to him
him to her favour, help him
if his money goes to some
From the sacrifice it came from the faces of His praise
And if it were to be behind one’s glory,
He achieved the maximum extent that his father achieved
He opposes it in every action, as if,
in the morning, an enemy that pursues him